Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dan weather forecasting radio premiere!

This is a recording of Dan's first public weather forecast on our local radio station, Bright 106.4 FM.

It was DJ Chris Bailey's final breakfast show on Friday 19th November 2010. Along with co-presenter Anna B, they made a real fuss of Dan and his passion for the weather.

Thanks to Anna for sending through the MP3 recording.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dan's new super electronic weather station

An update at last! Dan is even more excited and obsessed with the weather then ever before! He is still interested in becoming a weather forecaster on the TV but his primary ambition is to be a worldwide weather explorer. He recently saved up his money and bought a wireless weather station. He now monitors indoor and outdoor temperatures, humidity, wind speed and direction and pressure. He bought the "SmartWeather" Wireless Weather Station from www.gadgetsuk.com / www.smartweather.co.uk. It's excellent value for money and they've provided great customer service.

Check out Dan's latest YouTube video where he talks about what his weather station can do and provides a weather forecast for tomorrow(!) (16-August-2010) for the West Sussex region.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A long hot summer & Mr Gum

Dan is very excited by the recent prediction by the Met Office that it is going to be a long hot summer here in the UK. This is handy as we are holidaying in England this year! And he also mentioned sleeping out in a tent in the back garden - something I (dad) having been promising for a couple of years.

Dan loves reading and he is currently laughing his head off at the Mr Gum books by Andy Stanton. I've read one myself and they are crazy, whacky and wonderful!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

He's back...

OK, it's been a long time coming, but Dan is back. Dan's fascination with the weather is stronger then ever - it's been his dad who's been poor at recording his son's constant barrage of weather related temperatures / high's and low's / wind direction and the like. First up - a snippet from January and the extreme cold...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dan the weather man's 6th Birthday Party

Just had the 'family' party this weekend. A couple of weather related gifts were purchased or created! Check out the slide show on the right hand side of the blog. He looks so cool in the shirt and the cake was out of this world. Not only did the cake look spectacular but also tasted amazing!
Thanks to Kirsty for leading us to Monsoon for the shirt and T-shirt.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Jodie the weather girl!

Dan's sister Jodie insisted in getting in on the act. So here is the world premiere of Jodie's weather forecast!